International Synthesis of Seafood Cooking and Presentation Methods

Nourishment is the an important factor for a healthy life. People especially in developed countries pay importance to their diets and they care choosing healthy food for their nutrition. Among these food types, sea products take place on the top in terms of being healthy. For this reason, seafood has become one of the essential foods in cuisines of many countries. This potential of seafood has shown its effects in gastronomic tourism. This situation has made cooking and presentation of seafood an important issue, and obligated healthy and creative applications in seafood preparation. Although national cuisines develop innovative and specific applications in seafood cooking and presentation, it is hard to say that the outcomes of these applications are quite appropriate for tastes of other nations. This fact makes an international level cooperation necessary in terms of seafood cooking and presentation.

“International Synthesis of Seafood Cooking and Presentation Methods” is created by different tastes from Italian, Spanish and Turkish sea food cuisines. By this way it is provided to develop innovative approaches in gastronomy by the help of international cooperation. These new approaches are going to be extended by vocational trainings held by partners.

The applicant and head member of project is Karabük University. Associate degree, undergraduate and graduate education in tourism and gastronomy is provided at the University. Also it runs a 15 room-guest house for practices in tourism sector. 2 industrial kitchen is also available for cooking dishes and practising, one in the guest house an one in Tourism Faculty.

First partner, Safranbolu Municipality locally serves in the fields municipal polices but also locally gives vocational training courses on Safranbolu Culture and Education Centre (SAKEM) about many topics such as cookery, child care, needlework, leatherwork, woodwork, eldercare and etc. 3 training kitchens in the centre. SAKEM organizes local cookery courses in 3 modern training kitchens.

Second partner is Giovani per l’ Europa is a European Vocational Training Exchange & Placement Programmes, based in Nicotera, south of Italy. The association dedicates itself to promote activities which help the young people’s mobility and actions increasing their sensitivity for the cultural, instruction, political and economic diversities which are represented by different populations in Europe.

The third partner is M&M Profuture Training, an organization that develops a wide range of project activities, provides adequate skills and knowledge, and is experienced in managing and implementing training procedures and activities. One of the company's areas of expertise is gastronomy, and in this context, it has contributed to the Spanish seafood cuisine.

In today's tourism industry, food and drink service has become an important motivational factor. Tourist expenses on food and drink service have also a considerable rate such as 25% in tourism industry. People preferences on sea food based vacations also has motivated tourism establishments to improve their sea food service. In this aspect, project is one of the most mentioned and important factor that can support this improvement.

This web page has been created with the aim of delivering the project outputs to as many institutions, hotels, restaurants, educators, educational institutions and students as possible. Thus, it will be possible for all beneficiaries to have knowledge about sea cuisine and the synthesis of different cuisines.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Beslenme, sağlıklı bir yaşam için önemli unsurlardan biridir. Özellikle gelişmiş ülkelerdeki insanlar beslenmelerine önem vermekte ve beslenmelerinde sağlıklı gıdaları seçmeye özen göstermektedirler. Bu gıda türleri arasında sağlıklı olmasından dolayı deniz ürünleri ilk sırada yer almaktadır. Bu nedenle deniz ürünleri birçok ülkenin mutfaklarının vazgeçilmez gıdalarından biri haline gelmiştir. Deniz ürünlerinin bu potansiyeli gastronomi turizminde de etkisini göstermiştir. Bu durum, su ürünlerinin pişirilmesini ve sunumunu önemli bir konu haline getirmiş, su ürünlerinin hazırlanmasında sağlıklı ve yaratıcı uygulamaları zorunlu kılmıştır. Ulusal mutfaklar, deniz ürünlerinin pişirilmesinde ve sunumunda yenilikçi ve özgün uygulamalar geliştirse de bu uygulamaların sonuçlarının diğer milletlerin damak tadına uygun olduğunu söylemek güçtür. Bu durum, deniz ürünlerinin pişirilmesi ve sunumu açısından uluslararası düzeyde bir iş birliğini gerekli kılmaktadır.

“International Synthesis of Seafood Cooking and Presentation Methods” projesi ile İtalyan, İspanyol ve Türk deniz ürünleri mutfaklarından farklı lezzetler ile oluşturulmuştur. Bu sayede uluslararası iş birlikleri ile gastronomi alanında yenilikçi yaklaşımların geliştirilmesi sağlanmıştır. Bu yeni yaklaşımlar, ortaklar tarafından düzenlenen mesleki eğitimlerle yaygınlaştırılacaktır.

Başvuru sahibi ve proje sorumlusu Karabük Üniversitesi'dir. Karabük Üniversitesi’nde turizm ve gastronomi alanında önlisans, lisans ve lisansüstü eğitim verilmektedir. Ayrıca turizm sektöründeki uygulamalar için 15 odalı bir misafirhane işletilmektedir. Konukevinde ve Turizm Fakültesi'nde yemek pişirme ve uygulama için 2 adet endüstriyel mutfak bulunmaktadır.

İlk ortak olan Safranbolu Belediyesi, yerel olarak belediye alanlarında hizmet verirken, ayrıca olarak Safranbolu Kültür ve Eğitim Merkezi'nde (SAKEM) aşçılık, çocuk bakımı, iğne işi, dericilik, ağaç işleri, yaşlı bakımı, vb. birçok konuda mesleki eğitim kursları vermektedir. SAKEM’de bulunan 3 modern eğitim mutfağında yerel aşçılık kursları düzenlemektedir.

İkinci ortak Giovani per l' Europa, merkezi İtalya'nın güneyindeki Nicotera'da bulunan bir Avrupa Mesleki Eğitim Değişim ve Yerleştirme programıdır. Kurum, gençlerin hareketliliğine yardımcı olmaktadır ve Avrupa'daki farklı nüfuslar tarafından temsil edilen kültürel, eğitimsel, politik ve ekonomik çeşitliliklere karşı duyarlılık artırıcı faaliyetleri yürütmektedir.

Üçüncü ortak geniş bir yelpazedeki proje faaliyetleri geliştiren, yeterli beceri ve bilgiyi sağlayan, eğitim prosedürlerini ve faaliyetlerini yönetme ve uygulama konusunda deneyimli bir kuruluş olan M&M Profuture Training’dir. Şirketin uzmanlık alanlarından birisi de gastronomidir ve bu kapsamda İspanyol deniz mutfağı ile ilgili katkı sağlamıştır.

Günümüz turizm endüstrisinde yiyecek ve içecek hizmeti önemli bir motivasyon unsuru haline gelmiştir. Turistlerin yeme-içme hizmeti harcamaları da turizm sektöründe %25 gibi önemli bir orana sahiptir. İnsanların deniz ürünlerine dayalı tatil tercihleri de turizm işletmelerini deniz ürünleri hizmetlerini geliştirmeye motive etmiştir. Bu yönüyle proje, bu gelişmeyi destekleyebilecek önemli unsurlardan biridir.

Bu web sayfası, proje çıktılarını mümkün olduğunca çok kurum, otel, restoran, eğitimci, eğitim kurumu ve öğrenciye ulaştırmak amacı ile oluşturulmuştur. Böylece tüm yararlanıcıların deniz mutfağı ve farklı mutfakların sentezi ile ilgili bilgi sahibi olması sağlanabilecektir.

The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Fish Soup With Vegetables

Fish soup, which was consumed as a starter by the teams of Spain, Italy and Turkey, was synthesized by the representatives of the three countries in accordance with the taste of the other countries. In the Synthesized Fish Soup, the local eel of Spain and sea bass, bay leaf and flour brought from the Italian region were added upon the request of the Italian team. With the cooking method unique to Turkey and the synthesis of vegetables in soup, a smooth starter meal suitable for the tastes of three countries was presented. Lemon slices were served alongside the soup for presentation. The soup can be served with heated butter poured on top, if desired.

Salmon Fillet On Hunkar Begendi

A new taste created by combining the begendi and seafood, one of the oldest dishes of traditional Turkish cuisine, Hünkarbeğendi, was brought together with salmon, a sea product widely used in Italian and Spanish cuisines, within the scope of the project. In addition, the flavour and brightness of the product are increased with Italian sauce. For presentation, it is recommended to consume the product with Mediterranean salad and with cold drinks such as and Turkish Kiren sherbet.

Eel Soup With Vegetables

Eel soup, a local flavour of Spain, was synthesized by the representatives of three countries in accordance with the taste of other countries. In the Synthesized Fish Soup, the local eel of Spain and the flour brought from the Italian region were added upon the request of the Italian team. By synthesizing the cooking method specific to Turkey in soup, a soup with a consistency suitable for the palate of three countries was presented. It is suggested to serve lemon slices alongside the soup for presentation.

Octopus Salad

A common synthesis has been made to make the octopus, a seafood product frequently consumed in Italy and Spain, a flavour suitable for the palate of Turkey. In the synthesized Octopus salad, the octopus was cooked by the Italian team using boiling and chopping techniques. The selection of vegetables and spices that will suit the tastes of three countries was made by the team of Spain and Turkey. With the meeting of octopus, vegetables and spices, a delicious octopus salad has emerged that suits the tastes of three countries. It is recommended to serve it cold.

Linguine With Clams

It was desired to create a synthetic dish of three countries by adding oyster to pasta, which is identified with Italy. In this context, oysters, which are thought to create a common flavour by the Spanish and Turkish teams, were added to the pasta, whose production and cooking stages were planned by the Italian team. A delicious oyster pasta has emerged, which is suitable for the tastes of three countries, by using local spices by the Spanish group to the pasta cooked and added by the Turkish side. It is recommended to be served hot.

Stuffed Squid

The squid was cooked by the Spanish team using boiling and chopping techniques. The selection of vegetables and spices that will suit the tastes of three countries was made by the team of Italy and Turkey. With the meeting of squid, vegetables and spices, a delicious stuffed calamari that suits the palate of three countries has emerged. The meal was completed by adding the sauce prepared by the Italian team for its service. Stuffed squid, made in all three countries, was re-synthesized and tanned with the contributions of three countries. It is recommended to serve it hot.

Seafood Kebab In Risotto Plate

With the kebab, which has become synonymous with Turkey, it was desired to create a synthesis dish with the contributions of three countries. In this context, the teams from Spain and Italy were asked to use sea bass, shrimp and calamari, which are thought to create a common flavor, for the seafood kebab, the production and cooking stages of which were planned by the Turkish team. Seafood, which was ground by the Turkish side, was brought to a suitable consistency for making kebabs. With the addition of spices by the Italian and Spanish team, Turkish style skewers of kebab were used, resulting in a delicious seafood kebab suitable for the tastes of three countries. For serving, Italian risotto was used aside. It is recommended to be served hot. A cold compote made of apricots and raisins can be served as a side drink.

Dried Eggplant Filled With Risotto And Seafood

It was desired to create a synthesis dish with the sea products of dried eggplant, which is frequently used in meals by Turkey, with the contributions of three countries. In this context, it was requested that sea bass, salmon and calamari, which are thought to create a common flavour by the Spanish and Italian teams, are used in the dried eggplant, the production and cooking stages of which are planned by the Turkish team. In addition, Italian risotto was used as the filling. The filling was completed by adding local spices to the risotto by the Spanish team. In the presentation of the product, the plate was flavoured with pesto sauce belonging to the Italian team and the sauce created by the Turkish team, and food suitable for the tastes of three countries was obtained.

Fisherman’s Casserole

Seafood stew made by all three countries; a common synthesis product was created with the interpretation of the products by the three countries again. In the recipe where seasonal fish is preferred, vegetables with an “al dente” consistency, which are closer to Spain and Italy, are cooked. The cooking and chopping stages of the fish in a casserole were completed with the interpretation of the Turkish side. A delicious synthesis fisherman's casserole dish, suitable for the tastes of all three countries, has emerged. It is recommended to be served hot.

Baked Sea Bass

A common synthesis product was created with the interpretation of the baked sea bass, which was made by all three countries, again by the three countries' interpretations of the products. In addition, the sauce added by the Spanish team added a common flavour to the sea bass, resulting in a delicious oven-baked sea bass dish suitable for the tastes of all three countries. It is recommended to be served hot.

Titaine Sauce, Pepper And Anchovy On Bread

The recipe proposed by the Spanish team was synthesized and presented with the contribution of other countries. With the dough prepared with the local pizza flour of Italy, the seafood titaine sauce created by the Spanish team, and the addition of vegetables recommended by the Turkish team, delicious small pizzas suitable for the tastes of all three countries emerged. Hot serving is recommended.

Kadayif Pastry With Seafood

A new synthesis product, "kadayif pastry with seafood," was created by combining traditional kadayif, which is frequently used in Turkey, with seafood. Kadayif combined with Italy's tomato sauce and Spain's cream sauce to form a delicious fusion dish. For presentation, it is recommended to consume the product with sea beans and with cold drinks such as Turkish kiren sherbet.

Stuffed Onions With Seafood

It was desired to create a synthesis dish with the sea products of onion, which is frequently used in meals by Turkey, with the contributions of three countries. In this context, salmon and sea bream fish, which are thought to create a common flavour by the Spanish and Italian teams, were used as seafood in the onion, whose production and cooking stages were planned by the Turkish team. Rice stuffing was created and added by Turkey. In addition, the interior filling was completed with the addition of local spices by the team of Spain and Italy. The products cooked by the three countries were added to the onion, creating a delicious synthesis dish. Hot serving is recommended.

Cullu Pastry With Seafood

Çullu pastry, which belongs to the Turkish cuisine, is intended to be a synthesis dish with the contributions of three countries, again with seafood in a way that is suitable for the taste of other countries. In this context, sea bass and salmon, which are thought to create a common flavour by the Spanish and Italian teams, were used as seafood in the çullu pastry, the production and cooking stages of which were planned by the Turkish team. Spices and vegetables were added by the Italy team. The product presentation was completed with the cream sauce made in accordance with the products by the Spanish team, resulting in a delicious seafood bagel pastry, suitable for the tastes of all three countries. Hot serving is recommended.

Sea Bass With Tarhana

Tarhana, a local product belonging to the Turkish cuisine, was intended to create a synthesis dish with the contributions of three countries, with sea products to suit the palate of other countries. In this context, tarhana, whose production and cooking stages are planned by the Turkish team, is planned to be synthesized with sea bass, which is thought to create a common flavor by the Spanish and Italian teams. With the addition of tarhana on the sea bass served on a bed of spinach and adding it to the sauce created by the Italian and Spanish team, the product presentation was completed, resulting in a delicious meal suitable for the tastes of all three countries. Hot serving is recommended.

Sea Beans

Sea beans made by all three countries; a common synthesis product was created with the interpretation of the products of the three countries again. Cooking techniques suggested by the Turkish team were used. With the addition of spices by the Spain and Italy team, the product presentation was completed, resulting in a delicious product suitable for the tastes of all three countries.

Salt Fish (Salazon) And Avocado Tartar With Tomato

The product was created with the suggestion of the Spanish team to synthesize a local dish. The common products of the three countries were used in the use of materials. Cooking techniques suggested by the Spanish team were used. With the addition of spices by the Italian and Turkish teams and the tanning by the Spanish team, the product presentation was completed, resulting in a delicious product suitable for the tastes of all three countries.

Squid Fish Ink Croquet

The product was created with the suggestion of the Spanish team to synthesize a local dish. The common products of the three countries were used in the use of materials. With the combination of the béchamel sauce made by the Turkish team, the croquette dough created by the Italian team, and the breadcrumb coating made by the Spanish team, the product presentation was completed, resulting in a delicious product suitable for the tastes of all three countries.


Spain meeting took place by hosting of M&M Profuture Training between 05-11 September 2021.

On the first day meeting a welcome and coordination meeting done and Spanish team informed all participants about weekly programme. Organisation was done in kitchen of a Spanish restourant. In the kitchen, M&M prepared and served famous Spanish sea food recipes also by practice of all participants. At the beginning of practical trainings participants were informed about ecologic, natural sea food cookwares of Spain culture. A trip arranged to a well known fish restaurant in Spain and participants gained detailed information about professional sea food cooking and serving methods. There, participants learnt how to prepare different traditional sea food dishes and exchange their experience with other Spanish chefs.

A real learning exchange was done between all participants during project LTT activity. 5 typical dishes prepared by contribution of all participants and taught how to prepare it to the other partners. Also, the project reached as many people as possible thanks to students, educators and media workers at the local level. On rest times all participants had time to discover Spain food culture by sightseeing tours. After completing all activities, last day a general information exchange took place. Visit completed by certificate ceremony.


Italy meeting took place by hosting of Giovani per l’ Europa between 20-26 March 2022.

On the first day of meeting Italian team informed all participants about weekly programme. Along the organisation, different tastes of famous Italian sea food cuisine are prepared and served in the Giovani per l’ Europa’s vocational training kitchen. Organisation is not limited by kitchen, also teams informed in the famous Italian food centres about the sea food and tradional foods, by the experts. 6 typical dishes prepared by contribution of all participants and taught how to prepare it to the other partners. Also, the project reached as many people as possible thanks to students, educators and media workers at the local level. By the city tour the natural and historical sides of Nicotera explained by using sea food concept. After completing all activities, last day a general information exchange took place. Visit completed by certificate ceremony.


Türkiye meeting took place by hosting of Karabük University and Safranbolu Municipality between 26 June-02 July 2022.

The first day of meeting took place at Historical Çiçekler Evi, a 15 room-guest house for practices in tourism sector and kitchen, which is run by Karabük University. Turkish team informed all participants about weekly programme. Along the organisation, different tastes of famous Turkish sea food cuisine are prepared and served in the Karabük University Tourism Faculty kitchen. Organisation is not limited by kitchen, also teams informed in the famous Turkish sea food centre, Amasra, about the sea food and tradional foods, by the experts. 7 typical dishes prepared by contribution of all participants and taught how to prepare it to the other partners. Also, the project reached as many people as possible thanks to students, educators and media workers at the local level. By the city tour the natural and historical sides of Safranbolu explained by using sea food concept. After completing all activities, last day overall assessment and distribution of dissemination tasks are done. Visit completed by certificate ceremony.

Project Booklet


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