Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School Graduates Receive Their Diplomas with a Glorious Ceremony
Karabuk University Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School senior students received their diplomas at the graduation ceremony for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Karabük University Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School graduated 640 students. At the ceremony held at Safranbolu Misak-ı Milli Democracy Square, graduating students shared their happiness with their families and friends.

Karabük University Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Elif Çepni and Prof. Dr. İsmail Rakıp Karaş, Saliha Nazan Karaş wife of Vice Rector Prof. Dr. İsmail Rakıp Karaş, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry Prof. Dr. Tahir Kahraman, Dean of the Faculty of Letters Prof. Dr. Muhittin Kapanşahin, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Prof. Dr. Ersin Müezzinoğlu, Dean of Safranbolu Fethi Toker Faculty of Fine Arts and Design Prof. Dr. Anıl Ertok, Director of the Institute of Graduate Studies Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep Özcan, Director of Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma Erten, academic and administrative staff. Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma Erten, academic and administrative staff, students and their families and many guests attended the event.

The graduation ceremony started with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem and continued with the folklore performance of Karabük Dance Academy Association after watching promotional films.

Speaking at the graduation ceremony, Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Elif Çepni said, "Karabük University is among the best universities every year in the rankings of the institutions that rank the world's leading universities. Of course, we would like to express our endless thanks to our academic and administrative staff for their devoted and qualified contributions to this success of Karabük University. Our aim was to raise you as healthy, happy, productive individuals who are beneficial to our state, humanity and your families. Dear fellow students, one of our main goals was to give you the ability to analyze from different perspectives and in multiple ways. We have tried to do this in the best way possible and we believe that we have done so. We believe and expect that you will use the knowledge and skills you have acquired in the best way possible to protect yourselves, our country, humanity and the interests of the institutions you work for. We wholeheartedly believe that together you will take our university, whose diploma you will carry for a lifetime, even further. Dear graduates, we wish that your diplomas will open many beautiful new doors for you. Please always use your authority and power in favor of truth and goodness. As Karabük University graduates, you will be our representatives in the business world and in working life. I wish you a lifetime of success, that everything will be to your heart's content, and that your diplomas will be very auspicious and auspicious. May your path be clear, dear friends."

Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School Director Assist. Prof. Dr. Fatma Erten said, "Dear students, welcome and honor to the graduation ceremony of Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School, formerly Safranbolu Vocational School, now Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School, whose roots go back 32 years, which introduced our world heritage city Safranbolu to higher education for the first time. Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School has created its own natural network almost everywhere in our country and the world. Thanks to our graduates who have found themselves in important positions in both the public and private sectors, our active students have the opportunity to connect the theoretical and practical knowledge they have gained throughout their education life with sectoral experiences. Dear young people, you are on the threshold of a new period in your life. In this new period of your life, of course, you will face difficulties. We have no doubt that you will overcome all problems with your belief in yourself without despair. Patriotic, visionary, analytical thinkers, always aiming to create added value for their country and themselves, you are the guarantors of the future of a great nation. Never, ever forget that every field in which you are successful is also the success of our paradise homeland. In line with the vision of the Turkish Century, it is most important to enlighten the path of the generations after you by firmly embracing the ideal of progress handed down to you by the generations before you.

Merve Özdemir, the second runner-up of Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School, said in her speech: "It would not be right to say that our education life is over, as the desire and curiosity to learn will never end like an avalanche growing inside us.  All our experiences during our university life prepared us for life. I am sure that we are aware of our responsibilities for our lives after our university. When we take office, we should see it as a principle to be a good example to our children and young people who are entrusted to us and who are the future of Turkey, and to raise them in accordance with our national and spiritual values."

After the protocol speeches, certificates of achievement were presented to the graduating students.
Ali Nail Kargıdan was the first, Merve Özdemir was the second, and Sare Haşlaman was the third at Safranbolu Şefik Yılmaz Dizdar Vocational School.
After the presentation of the certificates, the students threw their caps into the air together and experienced the joy of graduation.